Madeleine Mccann-are her parents innocent?

So recently in the media, a senior police figure has alleged the Mccann’s faked her abduction. Immediately, I wanted to get to the heart of the matter. Since’s we don’t know the truth, I use my usual method of coming to my own conclusions when facts are absent. Astrology. Unfortunately, I do not have Kate Mccan’s birth time, but even without it, there are some striking features in her astrology chart.  I do have Madeleine’s, so have decided to do my own interpretation. I am not using astrological analysis of the day itself, synastry or composite charts here, but am looking at each chart individually.I do not have a date of birth for Gerry at all. If you know it, please share. Here are my findings:

First, let’s look at the mother. Kate Mccann has undergone a lot of criticism. Perhaps some a little too harsh, perhaps some justified. I am not here to judge. What is undeniable though is that she left infant children alone in a foreign country. Not standard parenting by any sense.

For me this is identifiable in her chart by the striking feature of Moon(mothering, nurturing) conjunct Lilith(demon, forbidden,cruelty). This is a worrying aspect indeed. Although her moon may not be accurate due to her birth time, which I have standardised as 12pm.

Another feature of her chart if Pluto opposite Sun. Sun(vitality, life, honour, willpower) opposing the planet of upheaval, destruction, secrets.) These are all very Mccann esq themes. I view opposites as a negative expression of planetary energy. Whereas a conjunction may bring Pluto’s power more to the forefront, resulting in positive transformation, the opposite can be true of a Pluto opposition which can lead to powerlessness and negative transformation. Pluto is also inconjunct the North Node(destiny)

A very volatile aspect here is Mars conjunct Saturn. This is an incredibly violent and destructive aspect. I am not saying that Kate herself is violent, but the expression of this conjunction is very powerful and will tend to play out in very destructive ways. Mars is also very powerful in its own sign of Aries.

Another striking feature is Moon Opposite Neptune. Neptune is ruler of her sun sign(and chiron,the wound) Pisces. This is an aspect that leads to confusion and disillusionment, something that the Mccann’s have spent the recent years of their lives in.Neptune, a slow moving planet that I can give a pretty accurate interpretation to, is very negatively aspected with a lot of oppositions, and squares.

Uranus is conjunct pluto. Wow. Unusual, chaotic transformation and upheaval. Something unexpected and deeply secretive/destructive happened to Kate. This aspect summarises this perfectly.

Madeleine has a lovely little chart. If she hadn’t gone missing, she would have had a sweet life, it is safe to say that. She was born into a prosperous household, and this is indicated by her exactly angular venus conjunct her descendant, which is also her ascendant ruler as her ascendant is in Libra. She also has the Greater Fortune Jupiter conjunct her midheaven which could go a long way to explain the public fascination with her. Venus and Jupiter angular together are usually very lucky. Madeleine has a VERY angular Venus as it is EXACTLY at 25 degrees Aries and her Ascendant is 25 degrees libra, meaning her Venus is opposing her ascendant sign, but I wouldn’t necessarily read that as negative as angular is always good with benefic planets like Venus and Jupiter, unless they are negatively aspected or in a sign they do not fit well with.

A few striking negatives.

Mars and Neptune are also angular, opposing the Midheaven. Mars is anger, violence, destruction. Neptune is confusion and disillusionment(like in Kate’s chart). Both these planets are placed in the 4th house(home and family life). These planets points to a somewhat confused and destructive home life.

Another very striking thing for me(and I make no assumptions about Madeleine’s fate here, just my astro interpretation)…is North Node and Lilith in the 8th house of death/shared possessions. North Node in the 8th points to a destiny revolving around 8th house matters involving death, mysteries and upheavals. Very Maddie themed topics. Lilith here points to a personal weakness, fear or obsession with these things. These are the things we are attract but may fear most of all(at least this is how I interpret this mathematical point as it makes most sense with regards to my own chart and other charts I have studied in depth).

Just as I was about to type that Maddie had no horrible aspects, apart from a wide conjunction of Saturn opposite pluto, I came across she has Lilith conjunct Sun by a 1 degree orb. I feel this is her most worrying aspect. That nasty point from the dark 8th house is just leaning over and touching her sun, blighting her life. This is an aspect regularly seen in child murderers or victims of child murderers(Holly Wells had this and so did Ian Huntley.)

This is just my interpretation. I am making no assumptions or conclusions about Maddie’s whereabouts or her parents involvement in this case. Other people who have these aspects lead perfectly normal lives, they aren’t everything in themselves. In fact, all in all, from her chart, you could say that Madeleine had an enviable chart. Most people would be grateful for an angular venus or jupiter…not one, but two fortunes highlighted. Obviously, in this case, her luck(holidays, well off parents) worked AGAINST her.